Fixed and movable door handle: Excellent quality. It is suitable for both magnetic and exterior doors. The color is silver, and it comes with a five-year warranty on the color. Manufactured in China.
Barrel door stopper with leather: Tall in height, heavy-weight, capable of withstanding heavy doors. Excellent craftsmanship and specifically designed for projects.
Half-moon door stopper: Ground installation, perfect and modern design, excellent specifications. Made with excellent craftsmanship and rust-resistant specifications.
Rubber door stopper: Made of rubber plastic, suitable height to keep the door away from the wall. Useful for keeping the handle away from the wall for protection.
A 30-ampere power saver, Palmyra brand, is a specialized device for hotels that operates through a card system to reset the power. Its features include:
RF card system hotel lock, 2001E model. Easy to use and install. Durability, resistance, and beautiful design. Remote reading control technology with a range of 25mm. No additional requirements.