اقفال ذكية للدواليب والخزن وتستخدم بالمستفيات والنوادي الرياضية

Cabinet lock with a password.

تاريخ التسليم المتوقع 2025/02/26 - 2025/02/28
"Cabinet lock with a password: Intended for use in hospitals and sports clubs. It can be used generically (each usage with a new password). It is possible to..." (The sentence is cut off. Please provide the continuation of the sentence.)

Palmyra brand locks: Cabinet lock with a password

تاريخ التسليم المتوقع 2025/02/26 - 2025/02/28
Palmyra locks: Cabinet lock with a password, used for special cabinets in clubs, hospitals, and offices.